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GM Steve Ewart is happy to announce that local sponsor's within the Tri-County area have jumped onboard to suuport our newly formed Tri-County Rivercats Jr. B teamWithout the support from local businesses, it would be very difficult for us to operate. Local sponsor's such as FC Alexander, Sunbury Drive Grocery, Garry Brooks Construction and Marwood have all made major contributions to the team.
This is our first year in operation and we are proud of the team that we have and we will continue to work with our local Minor Hockey Association. It's great to see Jr. B hockey back in the Tri-County area and we thank everyone for their support.
A new sponsorship package is now available, Name Bar's can be purchased for $300 which includes your company name on a Rivercat jersey and 2 season passes. For more information, please contact the Rivercat/TCC Office.